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Over 23,000+ Five Star Reviews
Original Grain is dedicated to sustainability and strives to make decisions that lessen our impact while maintaining high standards for quality and customer satisfaction. We recognize the impact the fashion industry has on our environment and we challenge ourselves to grow in a conscious and responsible manner. By using reclaimed and sustainably sourced materials, creating reusable packaging, and contributing to like minded causes, we continue to deliver on this brand promise.
We are proud to announce a new partnership with Trees for the Future to continue our mission to help reforest the planet. Over the past 6 years, we partnered with Trees for the Future to plant over 500,000 trees. We wish them continued success in their efforts as we choose to focus our efforts closer to home.
Umpqua National Forest is known for several iconic natural attractions which provide outdoor enthusiasts with many sightseeing opportunities, as well as countless outdoor activities to take part in. The Umpqua River, which is a pristine water source containing a range of sensitive fish species, acts as an important natural resource to wildlife in the area. Reforestation will ensure that future generations will be able to experience this amazing retreat.
Please visit Trees for the Future if you’re interested in getting involved or sign up for our email to learn more.
689 Five-Star Engraving Reviews